Kyrsten Sinema fires back at critics angered after she opposed wage hike by using left's own standards


Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.) was sharply criticized by Democrats on Friday for voting against a proposal to include a minimum wage hike in the latest coronavirus-related economic relief package. Sinema was one of eight Senate Democrats who opposed the effort.

In response to critics, Sinema used Democrats' own standards against them.

Sinema's critics focused their outrage on her appearance and the manner in which she voted against the proposal.

HuffPost characterized Sinema as using "an exaggerated thumbs-down hand gesture" to display her opposition.

Other critics focused on the name brand bag Sinema was carrying when she voted against the proposal.

"I am insane and zoomed in on another picture of her carrying and in the spirit of Edward R. Murrow-level journalism I'm humbled to announce in a parody of white feminism Krysten Sinema [sic] voted against a $15 living wage while carrying a giant Lululemon bag," comedy writer Bess Kalb said on Twitter.

Other critics compared Sinema to Marie Antoinette for bringing chocolate cake with ... (Read more)

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Submitted 1158 days ago

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