Secret Service Chaos Disrupts Kamala Harris Fundraiser Event

Submitted by MAGA Student

Posted 34 days ago

**Chaos at Harris Fundraiser: Secret Service Intrusion Shocks Salon Owner**

In a shocking turn of events during a Kamala Harris fundraiser, the Secret Service reportedly stormed into a Massachusetts salon, leaving both the business owner and the local community unsettled.

Members of the Secret Service were tasked with securing the area for Harris's first in-person fundraising event since her ascension as the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Alicia Powers, owner of the Four One Three Salon, revealed that security personnel not only taped over the salon's security cameras but also permitted unauthorized individuals to invade her business to use the restroom.

Powers stated that her salon had been closed at the Secret Service's request due to their heightened security measures in preparation for the vice president's visit.

However, she was blindsided when agents ordered people to enter her property without obtaining permission.

As a result, an unexpected stream of individuals wandered into her locked salon to use the bathroom, leaving behind a mess and violating her sense of security and space.

The lack of respect shown towards her business was further compounded by reports that the door was left unlocked after the intruders exited.

To add insult to injury, the security measures taken by the Secret Service resulted in chaos, with alarms blaring during the incident, only adding to Powers's distress.

According to Powers, the situation escalated to a point where the salon did not receive a definitive answer from local law enforcement regarding the events.

However, the Secret Service did eventually reach out to Powers to apologize, acknowledging that the actions taken by their agents were not standard protocol.

Such a situation raises grave concerns about the federal agency's respect for small businesses and the rule of law in their protective duties.

Powers's experience serves as a stark reminder of the unsettling atmosphere surrounding the Harris campaign and the lengths to which the Secret Service may go under the volatile scrutiny of a vice presidential candidate.

As the 2024 election draws near, the chaotic organization surrounding Harris's events highlights the ongoing challenges the Biden administration faces in presenting a competent leadership front.


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